Thursday, March 22, 2012

Changes and Addendum

So the piece that I'm working on, I really was not happy yet with what I had to word with. I decided to change a few things to it, that I think improves the image. I also have a new name for the piece, The Crow and The Barren Queen. The sketch is still a bit unrefined but I think the information that I need is all there.

A Show of Hands...and feet.

Hey peeps, decided that once a week I'll be doing a post of recent sketch book work, just to push further sharpening of my skill.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

From Old to New: The Duchess and The Crow

So here is the new piece that I'm working on, still in preliminary stages. I plan on refining the image and post color comps with in a day or two. So it is pretty clear even for me now that this is a rendition of a piece that I started on some time ago, but never completed. I think about it as maybe this needed to be seen through to its end, and maybe thats why I subconsciously keep going back to it. Trust me though the sketch went through MANY stages and completely changed to what you see now.

Monday, March 12, 2012

A New Path...the one I've seen for so long, but was too afraid to walk.

Hey people, I've have been away from this thing for so long, or maybe I was just avoiding it. There have been so many changes in my life since I first started this thing, both major and minor. I finally was able to grow a pair and move across country, so now I'm living in San Diego CA, so thats awesome:) I have really been focusing on what my true calling is, and I feel that I need to give my art a serious try with a new outlook and finally allow it to blossom, because it really is the thing that I love, trust, and believe in, its always been with me and it has brought to me a lot of joy through out the years. I spent too much time in the shadows not believing in myself or my abilities and blaming others for my problems whether directly or indirectly. Sorry if all this may sounds cliche, but I feel that it needed to be said, especially on my blog. I WILL be posting again and on a regular basis, the blog is going to get a face lift with the coming weeks, but seriously keep an eye out for me.